Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth Hour!! Do your part to celebrate and support earth hour! The thing that I like most about earth hour is that I know that I am doing my part to save the earth when I turn off my lights during earth hour! XD Earth hour is held on the Saturday of this week(which is the 28th of March by the way, to be more specific or in case you didn't know). Hopefully it doesn't begin in the evening of that day, as I happen to have a barbecue party during that time. Now, for all of you who are wondering 'Hey, what is Earth Hour anyway?', I'll explain it to you short and sweet. Earth hour is a VERY special hour. Its an hour where everybody(well, not EVERYBODY, perhaps ALMOST everybody.) switches off their lights and contributes to saving the earth!!!(Okay, maybe I was a LITTLE too dramatic on that exclamation mark thing, but you get the idea.) My parents have this crazy idea of singing, "We're saving the earth, we're saving the earth~" during earth hour as an fun family activity(Yeesh, i'd rather do work than be embarassed and caught singing that.Seriously, my parents have the craziest ideas.Wonder if Gabriel would join me. I doubt it, though.) . I bet you that the organizers of this 'Earth hour' thing is probably economists who want to save the earth. Now moving on. At this point, its obvious that I don't need to explain what everyone will be doing during Earth Hour. If you don't know, read my post about Earth Hour(which is this post, by the way, in case you thought that I have another one.) AGAIN. And, i've realised that gas factories and sewer or any other kind of polluting company owners are really, really inconsiderate. I mean, they don't even care about the fact that THEIR the ones responsible for the problems the earth is facing. Instead, all they care about is their 'precious' MONEY! *Feels steamed* I doubt that they know that they can help save the earth just by reducing a small quota of their daily pollution, and that could solve the whole pollution problem if they stopped the whole factory or sewer or whatever.*Takes a deep breath* Phew. Okay, as you can see, i've written alot.(Actually, i wrote WAAAY more than this. My computer's internet crashed so I couldn't save. So in the end, i ended up writing twice.I actually cried my eyes out...sigh... I spent 40 or 50 minutes putting my whole 100% effort into writing this, but it was destroyed in a matter of minutes...CURSE YOU COMPUTER!!!)So yeah, this is my stop. For more enquiries, meet me personally (I don't have a phone XD) at Anderson Primary School, located near Ang Mo Kio Community hospital (At least i THINK thats the name of the hospital.) in class 6.6 .

P.S: Sorry if I wrote too long. I'd appreciate it if you took time to read it.
Another P.S: I like pie.(especially apple pie.) XD

The thought that counts...
at 5:58 AM

The Blog Owner

As a knight in
the Order of Marken...
I had sworn an oath
to annihilate all demons...

underline bold italics

Loves and Fwens!: My family, Cousins, Gabriel, Nigel, Shawn, Darren Lim, Sujay, Jolene, Costine, and a whole lot of other ppl.
_______________________________ Likes over here:
Computer games. Fast food. Being Random. Candies.(Especially Mentos.)

All that you dislike
Grandmother. Horrible deaths. Scary movies. Being insulted.

Any wishes?
The new Devil May Cry 4 game. A PS3. XBOX 360. NINTENDO DS. DISGAEA 2. DISGAEA 3. $1000 dollars.<---i know it sounds crazy.




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