Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yay!! It looks like i'm currently the first to make the post about International Friendship Day(at least, I think I am.)! International Friendship Day.....uhm......I don't know how it came about...I'll edit next time if I find out. Somehow, i've never thought much about ASEAN, nor did I pay any attention about Singapore's history, and in social studies class (which is kind of boring, no offence)...... okay, maybe I DID pay attention, but not 100%(sorry). But, I doubt i have much friends in the ASEAN countries, mainly cause' I don't like to travel to other countries much (my mother called me a 'home boy') and I don't like to ask to be their friends, as its embarrassing( I spelled embarrassing correct! Finally!). Personally, I think our school should have a competition on research about foreign ASEAN countries and the children living in them, about what they do. Or like. Of course, i'm just sayin', I don't normally do what I say. I (obviously) don't know much about ASEAN, so this post is going to be short. Well, shorter than usual, at least that's what I think. I think, in our school, that is, we currently don't have any activities on International Friendship Day (I'll edit when I know on a later date). ASEAN, which stands for : Association of Southeast Asian Nations, was created on August 1967. Now all that's left is the theme of the International Friendship Day, which I know nothing about too, so i'll edit on a later date.

Sobs.... Now I owe three edits....I don't want to do that 'enquiries' thing anymore, 'cause i'm too lazy and that thing takes way too much space.

P.S: Sorry, if its not about to my usual standard of writing, its just that I don't know much about International Friendship Day and ASEAN, so its not long. Maybe it'll be long enough when I edit it. (Hopefully.)

Another random P.S: I'm not going to be random anymore. That P.S was just to be ironic, XD.

Another P.S(I just can't stop!): I don't know what ironic means, I just use it 'cause it sounds nice.

The thought that counts...
at 6:00 AM

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Learning Journey to the Singapore History Musuem!! I'm going to tell you all about it. First off, let me tell you this: the Museum was REALLY huge, and there was all sorts of interesting galleries, artefacts, plus, it was rainy outside, which made my learning journry a WHOLE lot better, cause' I really like rain, except when i'm outdoors or planning to do something outdoors -_-. Now moving on. The best gallery that I saw and liked(we didn't go to EVERY gallery, by the way) was the Food Gallery. Inside, there was stations <--(at least, thats what I THINK they are) with screens that showed videos of how the food was made in the old days, and how people went to food sellers to buy their food. There were 2 rooms in the gallery. One was the one with stations<---(not sure if they are) and the other, filled with jars of weird scents. You had to pull this knob thingy to let the scent come out of the jar through a microphone-looking thing, then you could smell it. Most of the boys from our class had this game: One person had to cover the microphone-looking thingy with their hand, then another person would have to pull the knob thing several times. Having done that, one other person or just the same person would have to smell the scent after the person covering the microphone-looking thing uncovered it. I tried, and I ended up coughing and hacking up on the floor.
Man, I tell you, one of the jars smelled WAY too sweet and my nose was covered up from the smell. One downside for the person covering the microphone-looking thing was that once you let go, and if you smell your hand, it'll smell like the scent in the jar. I was a victim of that too. Our class also visited the Historical gallery, and some otehr galleries that I can't remember. I remember there was one gallery where there 3 big screens and you had to see them all to see the movie they were showing. Behind the 3 screens were old...uhm...old.. music playing things which were in the old times. There were headphones attached to it so you could listen to the songs the thing could play. There was a black disc on the thing which looked to me like a DJ disc, so I called some of my friends and put on the headphones then I spun the disc the way a DJ would do and pretended to be one.
The Historical Gallery. Hmm...yeah. Well, I didn't like the Historical Gallery very much as it was too SCARY! Although, it DID have a lot of facts and artefacts. Before we went to the gallery, the workers gave us a big rectangular electronic gadget which they called 'The Companion'. They told us it was designed to tell us more about the place which we pressed in after seeing the numbers on the floor of the Historical Gallery. Once, you pressed the number, a voice would speak then tell you more about the place. In some numbers, there would be titles of topics, and once you pressed on one, the voice would tell you more about it. Now, about the scary parts of the gallery. There was one where they made a jail cell which was so dark and creepy.... I actually imagined that there was a haunted prisoned ghost in the 'jail cell'. Oh, I just remembered what otehr galleries we visited! Let's see....there was the Singapore Living Galleries -Food(which I already told you about), Wayang, and fashion. Then lastly, the Singapore Historical Gallery(which I ALSO told you about). All in all, I felt that this really was an interesting and exciting trip(not that I bothered to learn any of the facts and artefacts in the museum, and I felt really ashamed about it). Well, this ends here. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts, which I know is very long, and I appreciate it if you took the time to read every word. If you have any enquiries, please visit me personally(I don't have a phone, or rather, I don't use it) at Anderson Primary School, located near Ang Mo Kio community hospital, class 6.6, from 7.00a.m to 1.00p.m. Or if I supplementary or High achievers or something, its normally until 3.30p.m or earlier or later on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or if I have something else going between Thursday and Friday.

P.S: Hey, wanna hear a secret? I hate woodpeckers.

Another P.S: I love being random. I love pies. (Especially apple pies).

The thought that counts...
at 2:50 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pigs will fly when children start eating vegetables and fruits(Okay, so maybe they'll eat fruits but NOT vegetables). Lol, got that quote from Gabriel(sorry, Gabriel!) in chatbox. I, for one, don't like to eat vegetables ALTHOUGH I know it is healthy. I just dont like its crunchy texture and its plain taste. Plus, all the green colors makes me want to puke. Sure, i know its one of the few ways to get healthy, but i'm not going that way. I keep my health by jogging on my jogging machine at home every weekday, then going to the gym on either Saturday or Sunday. And believe me, my health is better than my family. Recently, my sister had to go to the hospital AGAIN, and this isn't the first time, its the fourth time. My parents take medical leave many times because they're sick with cough, sore throat, etc. Still, eating egg yolk, fish, tofu, cereal and drinking healthy drinks such as milk, milo(which i am a fan of, as i drink a cup of that every morning), soya bean and blah blah others.

All people like to eat or drink cold, sweet or whatever kind of stuff. Like sweets, desserts, drinks(I like Slurpee!), and lets not forget ice cream! But, eating stuff like vegetables, fruits are maybe not so liked. Of course, adults eat vegetables and so do some children. Fruits, on the other hand, are not so bad, so everybody likes them more than vegetables. I can't honestly think of what'll encourage our schoolchums(<---- New word! XD) to eat veggies and fruits. I'll edit when i think of one. Now moving on. As you people who are reading this should already know(if you don't read my blog AGAIN), obviously, that it is important to eating veggies and fruits because it will keep you healthy blah blah blah yada yada yada. And no, which is pretty obvious right now, I DO NOT like to eat fruit and veggies(okay maybe i like fruits, but NO to veggies!) as i have previously told (Go read about the veggie thing again if you didn't see, because i'm not gonna say it twice). Personally, I neither am against nor am i not against the fruit and veggie campaign in my school. Let's simply say i'm not interested in it, and i assume neither are the students in my school, as once you say something about eating veggies, their minds will shut off.

But, in all due respect, you have to keep healthy and eat healthy stuff. It doesn't necessarily have to be fruits or veggies, though. Why, you ask? Well, the reason is simple. Here it is: You will get serious disease and DIE!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, okay, i'm just kidding, sheesh, what's a child gotta do to get some entertainment around here? Simply(and not harshly) put, you will easily get diseases and cancer by eating UNhealthy food, for example: Diabetes, Obese or something else. That ends my post about Healthy eating, and for any enquiries, please visit me at: Anderson Primary School, class 6.6, Garyl Ng Xuan.

P.S: Hey, wanna hear a secret? I like being random.

Another (random) P.S: I like pie.

The thought that counts...
at 6:31 AM

The Blog Owner

As a knight in
the Order of Marken...
I had sworn an oath
to annihilate all demons...

underline bold italics

Loves and Fwens!: My family, Cousins, Gabriel, Nigel, Shawn, Darren Lim, Sujay, Jolene, Costine, and a whole lot of other ppl.
_______________________________ Likes over here:
Computer games. Fast food. Being Random. Candies.(Especially Mentos.)

All that you dislike
Grandmother. Horrible deaths. Scary movies. Being insulted.

Any wishes?
The new Devil May Cry 4 game. A PS3. XBOX 360. NINTENDO DS. DISGAEA 2. DISGAEA 3. $1000 dollars.<---i know it sounds crazy.




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