Thursday, July 23, 2009

Peace! Well, i know this post is wayyy over the due date of this topic, but you'll have to understand that i've not played computer for over 3 months. I call it 'Self-Ban'. It's about banning yourself from computer. At first, it was very hard for me to give it up, but look at me now. I not even hinking about it. But enough of that. Anyway, about the SA1 Oral Exam. As usual, i was having nervous thoughts about it. But at the end, i got erm.. (i have no idea what marks i got. I'll edit later. Gaah I owe 4 edits!!).

At any rate, it's definitely better than others. Not praising myself though. My teacher for the Oral Exam was i think Mr Fong or Mr Low....can't remember....Well, they were both very kind and attentive, so as i left the hall where the Oral Exam was held, i was confident i was going to score good marks. Too bad i can't say the same for my Chinese Oral Exam. But at least i scored 30/50 for it. I thought i'd definitely fail. Well, since 3 months has gone by, i've already found a new chinese tuition teacher for me. I can definitely say that i have improved in my chinese. Last time, i failed my chiese tests. Now, i passed them and i'm still improving. Even my parents said so.

Well, i think this post is relatively smaller than my previous ones...(maybe i'm losing my touch now. I'm scared.) And that's it for now. I've still got *counts fingers* 1..2..3..4 more posts to go. So if you see that all the posts are posted just after a few days.. say one or know the story. As i have stated from my 3-months-ago-post, i'm not doing the enquiries thing anymore. Mainly because it sounds weird for a technically-12-year-old-'cause-i-haven't-hit-my-birthday-yet to say.

P.S: My new random word is: Kumquats! Ya gotta love Kumquats!

The thought that counts...
at 6:55 PM

The Blog Owner

As a knight in
the Order of Marken...
I had sworn an oath
to annihilate all demons...

underline bold italics

Loves and Fwens!: My family, Cousins, Gabriel, Nigel, Shawn, Darren Lim, Sujay, Jolene, Costine, and a whole lot of other ppl.
_______________________________ Likes over here:
Computer games. Fast food. Being Random. Candies.(Especially Mentos.)

All that you dislike
Grandmother. Horrible deaths. Scary movies. Being insulted.

Any wishes?
The new Devil May Cry 4 game. A PS3. XBOX 360. NINTENDO DS. DISGAEA 2. DISGAEA 3. $1000 dollars.<---i know it sounds crazy.




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